Saturday 26 October 2013

creative writing

creative writing

     "This," Amily said simply and she fingered the brooch at her throat which was holding her thick brown cloak around her neck. It was a twist of beaten bronze, with curling patterns dancing on it. Her father had bought it for her when he had travelled away some moons ago. She remembered him leaning down from his horse, his hair tickling her face. "And this is for my little Amily," he'd laughed and he'd pinned the brooch on her tunic. She loved the brooch more than the world.
     Olwig gasped. She knew Amily was serious.
     "Go now," she said. "The gods be with you."
     Amily turned and walked away into the forest. Olwig stared into the trees long after she had disappeared.
Amily loved the forest, and she was afraid of it. Her people needed it to survive, but sometimes it swallowed them up. Amily knew the edges of the forest well. She was often sent out with Olwig to collect hazel or beech nuts in the autumn. The tribe would store them in pits, like the squirrels, and make them last through the barren winter months. Amily loved picking the blackberries that appeared in late summer. Her tunic was still stained purple with their juice. Her father had laughed and asked how many of the blackberries they'd picked had actually reached the village. Amily knew where to pick the leaves of the green melde the family liked to eat with meat, and where to find gold of pleasure, the plant they crushed to make oil.
     Indeed it was Amily who had once found mistletoe, the sacred all-healing plant. She had shown the Druid where it hung and he had been pleased with her. He had placed his pale hand on her head and looked deep into her eyes and told her that she had done well and that she would be blessed by the gods. Amily was so proud she thought she'd faint. The mistletoe had been gathered on the sixth day of the moon, and the Druid had sacrificed three fowl to the Mother Goddess to bring good fortune. He had taken the mistletoe into his hut, and Amily imagined that there he would make healing potions for the tribe.
� 0 s M ��6 � style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto; line-height:normal'>     "I need to go. I need you to look after the sheep."

     "Alone?" Olwig was surprised.
     "I will come back soon."
     "Where are you going?"
     "I need to go to the grove." Olwig's eyes widened. To go to the sacred grove alone was a fearsome prospect.

     "What will you offer to the goddess?" she asked, at last. 


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